by Impact Physical Therapy | Jan 19, 2023 | Healthy Living
It’s that time of year again. The time for fresh starts, new goals, and resolutions. This includes setting fitness, physical activity, recreation, and exercise goals for many. With endless experts and information overload available, it can be a daunting task to answer...
by Impact Physical Therapy | Nov 16, 2022 | Healthy Living, Running
November brings on the cooler, wetter weather and gives us the reprieve from the hot summer months. This starts the cooler running season. Wet weather makes it a bit easier to breathe. The coolness can burn the lungs. You may be thinking about winning the upcoming...
by Impact Physical Therapy | Jun 21, 2022 | Uncategorized
Life happens all the time and it just keeps moving forward. Exercise is constantly recommended to help with improving health time and time again. It can be tough to get it in every day. Sometimes it is hard to do when we are in a time crunch with a new baby, new...
by Impact Physical Therapy | May 13, 2021 | Aging & Active, Back Pain, Injury Prevention, Neck Pain, Pain Relief
Check your Exercise Form Quality matters. We consider this simple concept when purchasing a new automobile, house, or any other major purchase. Quality over quantity also is important when exercising to reduce your pain or improve your strength. It is essential to...
by Impact Physical Therapy | Dec 2, 2020 | Aging & Active, Education, Healthy Living
We already know it’s important to regularly exercise. But how much? How often? What kind of exercise is best? There are many details and questions about creating the right fitness program for yourself. As we shared in our January 2020 blog post, it is important to set...